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Clio MK3 drivers side rear panel ( 3 door )

  Clio 2008
Anyone know where I can get the drivers side rear panel from or know of anyone selling ? Looking to replace mine as the previous owner had a collision and had a quick fix done which isn't first rate. You can tell by looking at this picture


The filler used isn't first rate and you can see the lines aren't even. It looks like the collision also pulled the roof down as that has a rather dull paint job also. The panels inside don't quite fit back into place either so hoping they will with a new panel.



as you can see they just filled in the gaps with some black foam. Will also need to replace the window as they never removed it while sanding, which has resulting in them scratching the window in places.

I will be getting this all fixed over the next few months, got a mate who is a sprayer and has been building dragsters for 24 years and he's happy to do all the labour for me, just need to source the parts.
