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clo wipers

  ph1 black 172
just a quick one. the wipers clear the passanger side more than the drivers side. is that correct?

its as if the one im picking up this week should be a left hand drive.....



ClioSport Club Member
When the french swapped the steering wheel to the other side they forgot to change the wipers around :rasp:
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
my c4 os the same althoguh it has those wipers that go from the centre up to the a pillers, the passengers wiper is on top so when it wipers you get a trail off the end of it right in the moddle of your vision ( the passengers wiper is like 30 inces long compared to the drivers 20)
seems like french cars do a really poor switch from left to right hand drive, like the wipers, the uk glove boxes are always alot smaller, and the hand brake is on the wrong side on larger cars.
