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Clunking Noise on 172

I have had my 172 since March 1st 2003 by april it had developed this clunking noise from the front drivers side when going around corners, I have now eventually got a deal from my local dealer to change my car to a 182 on the basis that i was not impressed as they could not fix the noise. I have a pretty good deal as it works out that i get a full refund on the 172.

I know alot of people have experienced this noise and therefore would advise them not to put up with it, it took 10 months to sort but I got there in the end.

I was quite impressed with the outcome to, considering they dragged it out so long and the car now has 15000 miles on it, pick the new one up on the 1st March. Nice new 04 reg couldnt ask for any more.

I will be gutted if it does the same, i will be straight back to the dealer complaining again, it would be for a cash refund second time round.

Keeping fingers crossed !!!!!
