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M8 i've got the 1.4 beta an it's gd but i keep getting CTD omg soo annoying when it takes that long to load lol upgraded to a Gigabyte 6600GT 128mb silent pipe just for that game!!! love Battlefield series
  M2 Competition
Lol, battlefield pissed me off, took it back for a refund! Had no feeling or atmosphere to it, and who wants to capture a pissy flag anyway. Hehe!
I bought battlefiled 2, but it refused to work so took it back for a refund. Got a demo that you can play online. I'm hooked and it was free:) I'll get Cod2 tomorrow sometime, not got it with me. I'll add you and give you a thrashing on it sometime;)
  M2 Competition
Jays172 said:
I bought battlefiled 2, but it refused to work so took it back for a refund. Got a demo that you can play online. I'm hooked and it was free:) I'll get Cod2 tomorrow sometime, not got it with me. I'll add you and give you a thrashing on it sometime;)

Lol, look forward to it ;)
