Darren S
ClioSport Club Member
Surprised that there's not been a thread for any of the Zombie Army games yet? I thought it was worth a mention, having completed the main campaign and the one included in Season Pass 1 on the PC.
It's a great, mindless 3rd person shooter. More so, it's only £3.89 on cdkeys at the minute and Steam is still charging £41.99 for it....
Even better, once you apply the key to your Steam library, there's a few DLC freebies in Steam itself to add - including Season Pass 1. It's not as chaotic as the Left 4 Dead games and perhaps a little more tactical. It's fun in solo play, but much better online. Both the campaigns and the Horde waves mode can be played in solo and co-op, up to a maximum of four players.
For the money - give it a go. Mowing down waves of undead is always fun.
It's a great, mindless 3rd person shooter. More so, it's only £3.89 on cdkeys at the minute and Steam is still charging £41.99 for it....

Zombie Army 4: Dead War PC
Buy Zombie Army 4: Dead War PC ✔️ CD Key ✔️ Instant download ✔️ Fantastic price ✔️ Digital Download ✔️

Even better, once you apply the key to your Steam library, there's a few DLC freebies in Steam itself to add - including Season Pass 1. It's not as chaotic as the Left 4 Dead games and perhaps a little more tactical. It's fun in solo play, but much better online. Both the campaigns and the Horde waves mode can be played in solo and co-op, up to a maximum of four players.
For the money - give it a go. Mowing down waves of undead is always fun.