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Colour code help

Ok so i was gonna pay to get it done but id rather learn myself and get experience on it so im going to have a go myself,i have wet n dry 240,800 and 1200,plastic primer,basecoat (black,orange) and lacquer. I have seen a few guides on here on how to do it etc but confusin me. So here is how i am going to do it.

Wet n dry 240,800 then 1200
Make sure clean and dry
Primer x2 coats
? 1200 wet n dry ?
Base coat x2
? 1200 wet n dry ?
Lacquer x2 coats

Is this correct, is the sanding between coats necessary ?
Also im not sure weather to do diamonds and 'clio' badge in tangy orange, would i look a pr**k with them in orange on a bog standars black clio or should i just do them black ?
Yea you need to sand the primer before applying the base coat, to make sure you have a nice clean smooth surface to put the base coat on.
As for sanding between the base coat and lacquer, some people say do, some people say don't lol.
