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Competitions Stripes.



Anyone noticed the difference in the renault press cars. Not only do the stripe continue further on one than the other, but they are also in different parts of the bonnett:confused:. Does anyone actually have them off renault. Am going to do mine this week. Just trying to decide were to put them.


  911 GTS Cab

far as i know its factory fit but that isnt confirmed, am thinking about them myself but may do them myself rather than £300, my cup suspension only cost £200! Its outragious!

whether they are dealer or factory though, they are only available for Racing Blue if using Renault!



Im not gonna order them from renault. Wanna put them on ma balck172. Think they will go well with the back and I got white wheels as well. Got 2" Graphics from my local Graphics shop. Just have to fit them very carefully.



I got 2" Stripe. Wanted a pre cut graphic but they werent prepared to do it. Its the roof that bothers me. Everywhere else should be pretty striaight forward.
