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Connecting Samsung D900 to PC

  RB 200 Cup!
Got the USB cable to lug my phine to pc but never got a CD with the doftware on - any way of getting pics of my phone or download the software from somewhere?
  E30 318iS x2
You got a memory card? if you do copy the pictures to the card. Go into settings --> phone settings --> then number 8 which is usb settings and change it to mass storage, the plug the phone in using the usb and your phone's car will show up as a memory stick, go in there and done.

If not bluetooth dongles in argos are cheap as anything and are brilliant

I use either depends which is closest to me

Samsung pc studio maybe available on the internet some where


ClioSport Club Member
It's the only way i currently have of getting pics off my phone :dapprove:
