An update and reminder for those of you that know me, or a useful bit of info for anyone that has a valver with high temp probs.
As I was sat in the traffic getting into trax 03, I had a sudden case of de ja vu. my temp gauge is roceting and me bonnet starts to simmer, and Im wondering if Ill need to use the 2L coke bottles full of water in my back seat. (At weston Wheels 03 it blew the pressure valve, pissed water everywhere but luckly that was the only damage)
Me thinks something is not right here!
So when I got home and got my arse in gear I called up BB performance tuning, ordered a low temp therm, low temp fan swith and 5L of Type D coolent (illuminous green thick stuff) at a very low price (£15 for each of the switches and 25-30 for the coolent) It arrived the next day so Me and the boyf set to work. After lots of sweaing trying to get the rad out (we wanted to give it a good blasting) and lots of heavy descaler, we flushed out stuff that looked like rice. then we fitted all the parts and HEY PRESTO!! my temp is running at a THIRD that it was, with oil temp rediced aswell.
On another note, I am looking at getting a power boost valve? Its already been chipped at Hill Power, but I would like to know if any of you have got one fitted to their Valver as Im intrested in bhp and torque gains. Cheers!!!