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Dead car help needed urgently

  206 gti
Rite last week something weird happened. Went out to the car n i couldnt unlock her. It was like the car was dead. Not even a flashing red light on the dash. I assumed the battery was dead so 'removed' my grille to try open the bonnet manually. After an hour i was about to give up wen the button on the key fob was pressed wen in my pocket and pop. The central locking opened.
I jumped in the car quick and strangly she started on the first key turn so the battery couldnt gave been dead. Now the cars been fine for over a week and today its done it again!
Has anyone had this problem or can shine some light on the problem? Again the red light on the dash isnt flashing so could it be a fault with the immobiliser? Help needed asap!


ClioSport Club Member
  Merc Dueliner sport
Could well be a loose battery clamp or dodgy earth. Check those.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Just out of interest, why didnt you use the lock on the door rather than resorting to removing the grill?
I'd say its a dodgy battery in the keyfob. Take it apart and remove the battery then replace.


ClioSport Club Member
Definatey replace the battery in the fob and check the battery cables are secure. The first is about £2 and the latter is free.

Strange how your door lock just spins.
  206 gti
Definatey replace the battery in the fob and check the battery cables are secure. The first is about £2 and the latter is free.

Strange how your door lock just spins.
Getting the battery putta the fob is guna be difficult. Looks like the previous owner has glued the blade into the fob using epoxy resin.
And yeh the lock spins 360 degrees n clicks. Either way it spins but does nothing. Prob i got now is gettin into thd car as shes locked and no central locking


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Just smack it on a hard worktop a few times. If the light doesn't flash on the key it's the battery thats knackered. Going by it being intermittent before I say the connection isn't 100%
Passenger door lock just spins. No idea y

Generally this means it's the wrong key... For example, my MK1 Clio key fits my MK2 passenger door lock, but it just spins the lock.

Getting the battery putta the fob is guna be difficult. Looks like the previous owner has glued the blade into the fob using epoxy resin.
And yeh the lock spins 360 degrees n clicks. Either way it spins but does nothing. Prob i got now is gettin into thd car as shes locked and no central locking

This confirms it's been messed around with before. Mismatching glued key fobs / blades etc

Looks like the previous owner has fobbed you off

Surprised this thread hasn't be locked tbh
