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Dealer Query


I am the extremely happy owner of a 2000 X Reg Clio Renaultsport 2.0 16V.

Which dealer do you recommend in the West Mids? Digbeth, Solihull or Coventry?


  Audi TT Stronic

Congrats.. sorry cant help you with the dealer.. welcome to cliosport.. :D

and you will be joining soon no doubt???!!!! :D

Congrats on the new baby - you will enjoy I am sure. dont live in your area, no help on your query Im afraid, but be patient there are loads of Midlanders on here that will have an opinion to offer I am sure!!
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Welcome Darren! Roamer and Fred are from Brum amongst many others, you might want to try a Midlands Dealer Query thread.

Hello again.

Picked up the car yesterday. Seriously impressed by it. I get to drive scoobys all the time and they can be a riot depending on the model, but the clio definately has more fun factor, especially when it started raining! I seem to remember from reviews of the clio that the steering was a bit light and vague but I found it to be quite meaty with good feedback.

Gonna fill up on Optimax and take it out for a run on my favourite road!

  silver valver/hybrid

never tried em myself but renault wolverhampton have had a few recommendations from people on this site.



I asked this question a while back. Wolvo got recommended to me also.

I took mine to Sutton Park on the Chester Road Sutton. No problems there.

I wont take it to Digbeth based on the response I got from the sales team when I was looking to buy a car. I have no idea what their service department is like though.
  silver valver/hybrid

i wasnt impressed with sutton, was looking for an rt a few years back, they were highly uninterested, wouldnt let me test drive anything, they saw a guy in a suit behind me and practically shoved me out the door.
