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Decent Laptop deals?

That's never going to last 'a few years', it won't be be useable at that stage anyway. It might turn on, but that's about it.


ClioSport Club Member
OK.....fillme in on why?!
I'm not a computer person!

Any suggestions on what to buy?


ClioSport Club Member
True, but thats what I'm after!

I've had 2 dells in a row and not impressed with the second at all, battery went tits up a week after the warranty ran out, and all in it seems crap. Was a decent spec one too. So I'm looking to change.
As said I hardly use it really, just surfing the net and the odd word document is all it does, so was thinking something basic would do me. Which to be fair has done for the past 5ish years.
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
I meant Revels comment. ;)

Acer are fine, budget laptops that'll last forever if all you do is browse, hell I'm running a Dell Latitude D600 (coming up for 8 years old) and it still works perfectly for what I do with it, which is browse the web.


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry dude I was replying to him, didnt see your post until after.

Yeah thats all I want it for really, so no point spending £1k on an apple thing or whatever.
Might get it ordered...hmm!
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
That's probably the most pointless thing you could ever do with your cash. :)

Have you looked at netbooks, or do you find them too fiddly? They're about 100 quid cheaper.
  MK2 Clio
if you want a cheapish laptop, you are good to go to pc world because if something breaks within a year you can take it back under the sales of goods act 1969 stating you are willing to wait a reasonable amount of time for the repair which because you use it every day is 24 hours. - imagine if it breaks insisting on a free upgrade? I found this asus for my girlfriend a few weeks ago, and am still impressed with it, £399 4gb ram, 2.2ghz processer 1800mhz decent graphics card for standard laptop.
Notes separate - dells are getting a lot worse build quality in my opinion and my friends and have great difficulty getting refunts.
  MK2 Clio
If you want me to look at any other laptops you find just pm them and ill give you my opinion, bare in mind if you buy it in a decent shop in person, u can try the sales of good act after 9 months ;)
Just finished reading the older posts on this thread, releasing I am one of them pointless people doing pointless things with my £1k cash Lol ;)
