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Declaring points you haven’t got yet

Im coming up for the yearly pillaging of my bank account in the name of Car Insurance, oh joy, and Im currently awaiting to go to court for an alleged motoring offence that would see me get points if I were convicted.

Do I have to declare this to insurance companies that Im getting quotes off? As I understood it, most places will charge you more then refund it if you dont get convicted (probably after a fight to get it out of them :mad:).
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Innocent until proven guilty mate. No need to declare unless they specifically ask about pending prosecutions.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member

Telfords right. They take enough bloody money off us anyway, without given them an excuse to bump-up the premium even more. If they dont specifically ask you the question, Id ignore it. After all, its not definite that youll get the points anyway.....

  Ziel Nurburgring

I think they ask if you have anything pending. So its upto you, bit of a risk, what was it for. If your likely to get away with it, dont tell them. If your unsure, id tell them.
