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Demon Shine


  CLIO 182 & Astra TwinTop
Not seen any mention of this product here. What's the thinking on it? Looks promising on the bottle and fairly harmless. You just pour on a weak solution of it after the last rinse and drive off or dry car quickly.
  106 GTi
Works ok, I used it a fair bit before finding the Autoglym version a few years back.


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed
Not seen any mention of this product here. What's the thinking on it? Looks promising on the bottle and fairly harmless. You just pour on a weak solution of it after the last rinse and drive off or dry car quickly.

They say to drive off...but will leave white spots on paintwork...chamois it (in my experience) the white bits don't appear as much.

Doesn't last too long though.
  BMW F31
i used a bottle of it on my old clio, what i used to do was rinse/wash the car, then when it came to drying with a chamois, i used to pour a couple of capfuls into the bucket of clean water with the chamois then just get the chammy really wet and go round the whole car, using up the whole bucket of water by really soaking the car in it. then dry with a chamois, that was the best way i could get it to work and lasts for a couple of weeks (weather dependant).

  106 GTi
I would not read to much into the protection in claims to give, seemed to give a decent look. I always dried the car properly after use.


  Titanium Clio 182
I use it to help with the drying of the car, put a cap or two in watering can go over car with it then dry it off helps stop water marking & is quicker before going on to the polishing.

Oh dont water the plants after without rinsing the can out as they tend to die otherwise haha !
