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Do jessops haggle?

  GW RS200
This is probably a stupid question, but seeing as I'm about to buy a new 100-400mm on ebay this weekend for £800, is there any point at all in going into Jessops with the cash and asking them if they want to do the same deal (they have it advertised at £1000). Anyone with any experience?

edit: its not refurbished, but brand new from the US. So they avoided the VAT on it. Just not sure whether that means Jessops would have any margin left on it at £800...
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  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
they will most likely match another shops offer but i doubt they will match anything on ebay, as ebay items will probably be refurbished units


ClioSport Club Member
That Dom Littlewood on TV says all shops will haggle, never had the balls to try it, depends if they work on commision in Jessops. If yes they will do as much as they can to sell it.
  911 carrera 2, Yamaha R6
I got them to knock about £70 off when I bought my D40 and some bits and bobs
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
i haggled at comet with my 350d as the memory card was like £30 so i managed to haggle and get the memory card free :p


jessops dont work on commision anymore.

i got offered 10% off if id get my 40d and 24-105l from them.
but that was the best theyd offer me.
Jessops do and will haggle, yes. My in-laws got a superb deal on a Panasonic TZ3, but they are very good at things like that. I think they ended up with about £40 off and got some extras thrown in.


most i got was 85 off a 50- 500 sigma.... its always worth a try.... also good t be a obvious 'customer' as in some one who noticably goes in a lot..... eg for developing photos n such.
  106 GTi
Where not that keen to haggle in my local one, London Camera Exchange where however so went with them after some net price matching.
  GW RS200
For the record, they were having none of it! They weren't adverse to the idea of price matching, but as soon as I mentioned Ebay they switched off, which is fair enough I suppose...
