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Do you tell the insurance about your itg

induction kit i would but panel filter whats the point theyll probably try and charge you a silly amount for what in all fairness makes little or no difference to performance.

I havnt.

A filter element is a comsumable item. You change it at every service.

I think of it like oil, it gets changed , and is therefor also consumable. But they wont care what brand it is :p
  Ziel Nurburgring

Me neither, same reason as Phunk.

Whats the life on them before you need to wash and re oil it?
  Chocolate Bar™

i told my insurance company about my replacement panel filter. i was informed there would be no change to the policy for an induction kit, but thought its better to be honest and up-front. at least then i cant get screwed on if i need to claim for the car.


ClioSport Club Member

My thoughts exactly.

I told them I had one, but said the reason was for saving money come service time (which it is really). As it was almost a straightforward replacement there was no charge at all.

Better to be safe than sorry come total loss claim time...
