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door handle ideas?

  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
im looking at changing the door handles to some more slick smoother ones.
in this months max power theres the cover lambo golf but i dont know what door handles shes used. if anybody knows what there off that would be great! or any other ideas. ;)
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
fiat barchetta just found it!
which is quite handy as i can get cost price from fiat as im a fiat commercial dealer aswell so should be quite cheap :D
They those flat ones that are a chrome strip ? You push one end & it comes out so you can pop the door.
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
yes there the one mate. im going to order them tomorow and it will be another job for the bodyshop lol, pics to follow soon!
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
i can get them brand new from fiat for £67.41 each. thats with 22% off the retail. may have to get them over crimbo!
