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Door molding strips ? Mk2 Ph1


  clio 1.2 -2000-
Hi, want to get a set of door molding strips for my Clio 1.2 Mk2 Ph1 3 door W reg year 2000. Whats the latest model of clio i can get them off as i hoping to pick some up from a scrap yard.
Thanks for your time Doj
  Petrol Blue 182.
only strips that fit a mk2 is mk2 unless you do some modyfying to make them fit. early mk2 ph1 up to S reg need some modyifying to make the ph2 ones fit


  clio 1.2 -2000-
Cool thanks, whats the last year of the Phase 2 as the scrap yard told me they got an 04 plate there
  Petrol Blue 182.
have a look at your door, if the hoels in the door are squares then your fine, if there oblong shape you need modification


  clio 1.2 -2000-
Thanks for your help all,
Just to clarify, my hoels in the door are squares
  Mk6 Fiesta Zs
^ presuming yours is a grande mate ? i'll check tomorrow just to double check. i'll end up snapping the fucker knowing my luck !


  clio 1.2 -2000-
Yes Greg, mine is the grande, had to pull mine of last nite in the dark, couldnt wait to see what was there, came of easy but wast that simple to get back on in the dark :rolleyes:
