bear??! WTF? was ment to say beer of course... think spending 8 hours in 41 degree heat has fried my brian
On CS while on holidayHows the weather??? Im currently basking in 35 degree heat in the CS mansion In fact time for a bear and to float in the pool
Angel Inn... il look that up at some point
For once my work is allowing to me to make this but my Bank Account is having serious words with me
Long Jan FTL
Dan... we were thinking about doing our Feb meet as a road trip to Lakeside for the South East Meet. Think there are about 50 odd names down now so should be good.
norwich lot meet at thickthorn services at 12?
ETA for pub then?
Sounds good, require a lift sir? ed's fitting my collies on the saturday too if you want to come round. I'll get to see his new purchase too
12:30ish looking at google maps!
Gregg on coils! Quality! Looking forward to this
Righto Tim
Yep, at last (still need to get my wheels done, I'll be admiring yours )