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Easter Sunday Race

Went out for a little drag race against my brother in his VTS, thought I was gonna get whooped but was suprised to only lose about a foot or two between every gear change.

My bros VTS is running 159BHP against my 144.7BHP so Id thought I would lose by a lot more. Hes not modding it any more so after I get my IK & Chip Ill have another go.

Also, on the way back, stopped at a set of traffic light and what pulls up behind us.....a scooby (had sti badges on it). The lights went green and we launched it, all upto about 110 when we both pulled in and the subaru just flew past us both. Wasnt as fast as Id expected but still in a different league.

Anyway...very happy with the performance of my car, still after 8 months of ownership, it still impresses me!
