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eBay fools

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
i dont know if some of you will remember but my eBay account got hacked (god knows how im very safe) and they ran up 800 items costing me £2k in fees!

i contacted eBay, and they removed them all and the fees went down to £1k! this was about 6 weeks ago now, iv sent 4 more emails asking about them and they have assured me i wont have to pay them!

its a good job i cancelled the direct debit as iv been billed and have reminders now saying my DD hasnt allowed payment!

fukin idiots! i cant afford a grand coming out my account for the fun of it!!
same happen to me, some hacker ran up to £260 worth of listing fees, then i was straight onto hsbc to cancel the dd, i aint getting charged for dat s**t. email ebay to unsuspend my account this was like 3 weeks ago, still not done, change my password twice, gave them all my details. still the fools ebay aint done s**t.
:eek: More I hear of these stories, the more I want to cancel my account. But then I won't be able to buy stuff :dapprove:
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
ebay is huge but has anyone even got a number for them ?? its shocking how when you need to contact them it just gives you pages with things to do.... when this happens to me i just want to pick up the phone and speak to sumone !! cant with ebay tho, considering how big it is youd think they would have customer service etc
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
well now 2 months and 12 emails later and im still waiting for this to be resolved!

each time im assured it will get sorted, which it obviously doesnt!

now im a "no longer registered user" and am getting threats weekly that they are going to be sending the debt colectors round!


Does anyone know of a telephone number for these gimps?

iv told them im contacting my solicitor if this isnt resolved in a week!
