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Elephant = cr*p !!!!

I'm with them at the moment.
My car insurance is due on sat so I got a few like for like quotes (most were cheaper then the renewal):mad: so i called them up to see what could be done.

ring, ring.... hello ... diamon, err ... ummm - elephant insurance !! (she forgot who they were:eek: - i guess because diamond are part of the same group)

told her the renewal etc & what i've been quoted elsewhere (renewal is £864) been quoted £738 (both f/c) other companies excess is £50 less.

She said she can't match it:mad: I say ok well can it be reduced ?
I only do 7000 miles a year, not 9000 as i put down. -
Oh ok, yeah thats £73.50 MORE !!!!! than the renewal !! (she can't tell me where the change is & why its now gone up !!)

So I said - I got a quote today from yourselves (with a ref number) same details etc & its £800 !!!! whats going on ... err well its the computer you see:banghead:

They matched it last time on the phone & appologised to me etc.
NOT today !! her excuse was, its because you fill it out yourself - I replied you don't have to fill anything out for me !!! just honour the lower quote !!

Asked to speak to a manager (who was there 30 secs earlier on, as she had to ask him something) nope they are busy !!

I asked about driving another car third party (i have it in writing on the current policy) she went 'yeah in an emergency' I said since when ??? errr... always !!
I read out word for word what the policy says & there's nothing about 'only in emergency use' on it :mad: bullsh*tter !!!

One of their managers is supposed to be calling me tomorrow :rolleyes: yeah right lol !!

I have been with them for three years now & never had a problem.
I called at 8.50 tonight, so i guess all of the trained staff had gone home & i was diverted to a call centre in India (she couldn't even say the word 'plus' ffs !!!)

I'll be ringing them when I get to work tomorrow morning !!!
  Monaco Blue Mk2
Fuckin hell mate, if you get through to the aisian ones just hang up and keep trying. Either that or bang your head against a brick wall.
  Octavia VRS
My renewal was more this year as well, phoned Elephant up asking why - they said the car was in a higher insurance group. I said it's a 1.4 8v FFS! Anyway inside 2 minutes I had got my renewal down about £70-£80 as I calimed I had got better quotes elsewhere and the reduction was for 'customer loyalty'.

The main reason I wanted to stay with Elephant was because I am still waiting on my excess and no claims being returned to me after an accident and thought it would be an even bigger nightmare trying to get these back if I moved to another insurance company.

I've never been put through to an Indian call centre thankfully, always seems to be call centres in the UK
I called them today (so i'd get to speak to a clued up person) :evil:
they had to call me back regarding their quote online - when they did they honoured it (no shock there tbh)

the other company said they gave me a discount because of the car (they have quite a few coupe's insured with them) I asked about the next car i'm thinking of (prob a P1):) she said they'll do impreza's - but not a P1 !:mad: boo !!!!

I asked elephant about 'in the use on an emergency' bit & she said 'we would normally say - don't drive the other car all the time because your only covered third party on it' she said the emergency bit I was told last night was wrong !!

So i'm sorted now:cool:
