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  Clio 182
Has anyone got any thoughts on my emissions problem? After 7 years off the road and an engine change I finally got my Clio 182 down for the Mot today. Gave it a good blast before I took it in but it failed on emissions - see test results. Tester reckoned ecu was receiving no signal from lambda. Both lambda are new as are most other sensors on the engine. Any ideas where to look?


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If you can get a laptop on it, you could check out if it's throwing any codes.

Is the lambda definitely connected? (Can the connection be reversed in error? lol)

Is there an air leak at any point in the intake/exhaust system?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
If the ecu is receiving no signal from the lambda either the sensor is faulty or you've got a wiring loom fault somewhere.
  Clio 182
Great. Thanks for those replies. Rather confirms what I was thinking. Will check wiring and have live data looked at. Pretty sure there are no air leaks.
  Clio 182
Having taken a look at the live data it seems that the emissions are so far out, an overfuelling problem is most likely causing the lambdas to lean out continuously. Fuel regulator or injectors maybe? The injectors were cheapo replacements so I wonder if they are naff. Think I will check the pressure in the fuel line - what should the pressure be?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Having taken a look at the live data it seems that the emissions are so far out, an overfuelling problem is most likely causing the lambdas to lean out continuously. Fuel regulator or injectors maybe? The injectors were cheapo replacements so I wonder if they are naff. Think I will check the pressure in the fuel line - what should the pressure be?

Saw Chris from efi post about dodgy eBay injectors so could be your issue?
  Clio 182
Replaced the injectors with a s/h set. Still problems with starting but it pulls pretty well above 2000rpm. Ran it down for the MOT retest and would you believe the result!!?? CO 0%, HC 14ppm and lambda 1.03 on fast idle and CO 0% on natural idle. Unbelievable after the original results. Tester stuck a rag up the exhaust pipe. Hadn't come across that before but worth a try if you have emissions issues! Still have a problem though - runs fine over 2000rpm but completely cuts out if you floor it at lower revs. Ok if you feed in the power gently most of the time. Difficult to start from cold - each time you try it she catches but won't run until eventually firing on all four but revving to 3k rpm or so then settling down. Fuel pressure consistently around 50psi. One thing after another!! Any thoughts? ( so far injectors, air temp sensor, throttle body, map sensor, crank position sensor all changed. Pretty sure there are no air leaks after top end overhaul, timing spot on)
