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Engine bay cleaning, best way?

  Kangoo 182
My engine bay really needs a good clean as the engine had an oil leak and is covered in general grime and dirt. What would be the best way to clean the whole bay and engine?
  dan's cast offs.
steam cleaner, keep it running while it's being done, take it for a run straight after and then when unplug bits and have a quick spray round with gt85 etc.
  172 cup
I've always covered and masked with plastic bags all the sensitive parts such as alternator and fuse box etc. Sprayed it down with your chosen degreaser, agitate with suitable brushes and using only tap pressure, rinse off. I've a cheap small leaf blower off Amazon to blow out all the standing water, and then run to warm up and evaporate any water left.

video good example


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
I believe Autosmart G101 is considered the best.

It's the best I've ever used.


ClioSport Moderator
Anyone spot in that video at 4:23 that they say you must wear gloves atleast 6.5mm thick when cleaning engines.
In terms of engine degreasers. I have used a lot of them halfords sell the autoglym ones but for the same price you could go to Screwfix and get 5L of degreaser and a spray bottle for the same price. A stiff tooth brush helps with 172/182 engines as now a days there will be a lot of stubborn dirt and residue.
