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Engine transplant

:)Anyone got any ideas on what engine i could put into my 03 1.2 clio?

Obviously cheaply as possible and avoiding the 172 cus thats just too much hassle and INSURANCE!!

Any ideas on pricing etc. would be cool too.

Thanks for any help.


fred looked at the otion of a throttle bodies 1.6 16v but the maintainence on it would have been too much

the 172 engine would take loads of effort to have fitted, as it is more than just a couple of mounts and drop the engine in, the suspension has o be changed etc

really, your best bet is to sell your car, pay a couple of quid more and get either a 1.6 16v clio or a 172 (i know you said avoid them, but theyre your options)


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

R5 gtt lump. :p

Nah seriously 150bhp lpt velsatis engine

Or be silly and try and s\c the 1.2 16v

there is enough room, why not t/c and s/c the 1.2 16v???

just need a decent gearbox as the std engine is pretty strong


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

hmm gearbox isnt strong ive seen more power put through butter
