As above, i want to keep it nice and shiney, what do you use?
bilberry keeps on top of mine =]
Q. How do I clean my stainless steel tailpipes without scratching or damaging them?
A. It is important to note that if you don't clean your tailpipes regularly (and we know that some of you don't ), they will suffer from discolouration and become harder to clean. Because of the high-quality stainless steel, you will always be able to get them back to looking brand new (without any degradation in the materials), but the longer you've left it without cleaning them, the harder it will be!
Our tailpipes are made from the highest quality polished stainless steel, we have found that the best way to clean them is to use a Silver Polish. The actual specific product we use is called Silvo Silver Polish with Wadding. It's important to get the one with the wadding inside as it's really good at getting it clean. Clean the bulk of the soot off the surface with an old rag first and then use the polish/wadding to get your tailpipe(s) sparkling again.