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F.A.O people with sunstrips...

  1.6 focus zetec....
....How have you got on with m.o.t time and that?? Mines due tomorrow and usualy i take it to my uncle...but a few months ago i had my windows tinted and a free sunstrip chucked in with it and now my uncle is refusing to m.o.t my car and pass it!!

He claims no-one will pass it but i know for a fact theres somewhere that does as loads of cars have them!!!

  R.I.P 182
if its halfway down ur window im sure they wont pass it but if its only little i dont see why they wouldnt?
  Megane Mk4
Some will query it depending on how far down the screen it is, 4 inch and above I think.
  1.6 focus zetec....
Sorry it was in the wrong section mods....

Tell me about it silly billy and when i see him next ill tell him!!


Language Timothy
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is he failing it because the front windows are tinted too or is that not an issue?


in reality the sunstrip (assuming it's not mahoosive) should be less of a reason than the front tints (assuming they're illegal), as above you need a new uncle! lol!
  1.6 focus zetec....
Ive sorted it now....good old contacts!!

Thanks anywayz guys....gonna kick my uncle into touch
  MR2 2.0 N/A & Mk1 1.2Clio
im read somwhere its illegal if the wiper passes more than an inch over it or something like that.

No problems with mine (solid colour). Although when had my windows tinted the guy said where did i get the sunstrip from because its illegal and will fail mot, he said to bring it back if it fails and he'd put one on with the tinting film. its passed though.


  Clio 172 (Silver)
Its true that anything that encroaches into the wiped area by more than an inch will fail. The get you is bying the smallest blades you can 8" as there are no regulations stating that you must have the correct size blades on, they simply must not be frayed and clear an area of the screen and the jets need to work.

Got past two MOT's with mini blades on myself with escort


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
i just put smaller wipers on my orion (back in 1998!) cos i had a mahoosive touring car stylee sunstrip!! if it doesn't foul the wiper sweep, they can't fail it!!
  1.6 focus zetec....
I took it to a local place and he said the other garages were talking bollox and aslong as he could see through it he wouldnt fail it on that....just hope everythin else is ok


  Clio 172 (Silver)
on the other hand if the sun strip is a tinted one that you can see through and is smaller than 4" it will pass regardless, only solid colour counts
  FTO GPX 2.0 V6
I'm getting an interior window tint one in limo black shortly. I was also told that if the wipers overlap an xternal one it should fail.
  FF Blackgold 182
BrianR said:
Any fault in the glass or obstruction INSIDE THE WIPER SWEEP is a fail.

I had a bloody big crack within the wiper sweep on my old car. I was sure it would fail but it passed.:eek: I replaced the windscreen before I traded it in tho.
  Mk2 Ph1 1.2
I failed the MOT and the sunstrip i used to have on it added to this. the guy at the garage said it wasn't allowed...Mine wasn't too big either

God my car has changed so much since then!!!
