standard management route is s**te, the well known one was converted to DTA management when it was sold as it was crap to drive except at full throttle
To be fair Danny it drove fine at all throttle openings, as I did 6000 miles with it ITB'd with the only issue being stabbing the throttle with the car in neutral - it would sometimes slightly stutter. When in gear the onnly issue was very sharp opening at very low revs would stutter a slpit second but 99% of the rest of time it drove as an ITB'd car should - As Paul at RS Tuning will agree.
It pulled nicely from low rpm in high gears and yes I fully admit having a 'proper' ECU would have (and did) make it better, but bear in mind the whole conversion cost me under £700 it was well worth it.
So saying it drove crap is a bit miss leading - out of interest did you drive it?
saying it drove fine but would have been better with £1500's worth of ECU,loom and mapping would have been better
ID say my way is perfectly a good way, or bike bodies - I agree with Danny, it would be worth sticking with bodies rather than carbs. - IMO of course