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Facebook, Instagram ect and Business use Help

Twingo 1??

ClioSport Club Member
  Twingo 133 Cup,
Now I have been set the task of growing the business via media as its something we don't do.
I have no interest or need for social media in my personal life but understand the potential from a business pov.
Anyone have any good advice or business to look at that do the media side well?
The business sells and buys Atvs aswell as service, rebuilds, parts, tyres ect.
Also a franchise holder for Segway powersports.
As well as the leisure side of things the bread and butter is farmers and large estates who are being run by a younger generation who use media to look for new products and potentially purchase especially the Segway brand as it has a lot of modern technology compared to the Hondas, Bluetooth, Satnav, keyless, remote tracking ect.
Any help would be much appreciated.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T6
I run a Google Ads agency, if that's something your thinking about? So these ads on Google search, as well as remarketing (for when users have looked at your site, go off elsewhere and we show them ads to nudge them back over to your site again to convert.)

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