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Failed/Problem hard drive....any recovery ideas?

I had a 250gb Lacie USB disk drive, which seems to have failed. At first I couldnt access one folder full of data, now I cant even get the PC to recognise the drive. I have also tried removing the drive from the case and adding it to my pc internally (its an IDE drive). Does anyone know of any software/services that provide data recovery solutions? Its got to be as cheap as poss (I found one place online who would do it for £345!), but is vital as it has pics of my one year old daughters first year that stoopidly I havent backed up for a few months...
Any advice much much appreciated!


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
I'd try your local newspaper . Theres usually a few people who offer computer services , upgrades etc..... they might be able to help . Thats what a guy at work did and the bloke charged him £30 .

I have a program here a guy at work gave me for failed hard drives , it needs to be put on a floppy , never used it so i don't know if it will work . He said it worked for him . Its only 491kb so i could e mail it to you if you want to try it .
  1.6 Si
If the drive powers up then you can usually use some sofware to do it yourself. There are loads of progs out there which shouldn't cost you more than £30, download a trial version first to check that it can find your files.
