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False Floor

Ok people takin out my back seats and wanna put down a MDF floor and carpet it but how do i attach it to the car floor to stop it movin and jumpin up and down?

screws? glue? swear at it til it sticks? wot?


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

put a frame work down on the pad on the car, make sure its all level and 1 hieght, bolt the frame work down or glue it down with no more nails or something depending weater u want it permently or u think u might want to put rears back in,

then screw a sheet of mdf or whatever to the frame work, then cover in carpet.


I used no more nails on my old car, did a flip with a twist and a tripple roll in that car and the false floor was still stuck!

a lot of peiple scoff at silicone but it would deffo hold your floor down. Its good stuff (they glue fish tanks together with it so it must be strong!) Ive had sideskirts siliconed on before and they were fine.


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

heh at moddified nationals some bloke had fish in his boot with water etc and water with bubble in his dash where the speedo is etc.

were fake plastic fish but all the same he still had fish.

I saw that too..its been mag featured i think.

I had an idea of having a neon lit pond in the rear section of our new SPL car when we get round to doing it. It will have a fountain and other weird stuff and the amps will be made into buildings with some kind of scene at the back. I was thinking of putting real fish in the pond but I dont think that would go down well with the animal rights people.

I think i may have gone mad.

