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Few Problems with the clio

  Peugeot 406
Hi hello everyone
I look after my old clio which my mum drives now its a 2002 1.2 16v 5 door Dynamique with 60,000 miles. There is just a few issues which I'm not sure how to fix which id like some help with.

- The Radio display, its lit on one side but dim on the other I'm assuming its backlit with bulbs or led's but i don't know how to get the panel out safely without breaking anything so i can change a bulb or solder a new led. How does it come out.

- The car doesn't idle right and it cuts out if the throttle isn't held to keep it over 1000rpm it feels like a distributor/coil problem, but id like to know what is the best sort of fault code reader for renaults


the dash display needs a new bulb which is top dash off im afraid..

as for the idle, could be the crank sensor playing up?
  Peugeot 406
Is that a big job to take the top off, does that panel lift out from the air vents up?

The crank sensor is interesting because for a while it refused to start and the crank sensor was suggested although a reconditioned starter solved the issue. At the moment when it cuts out it shows the glow plug/osciliscope light for a while, its also showing 'SERV' and an airbag light all the time now, which is why i would be interested in a fault reader.


dash= two plastic clips at the side, x3 torx screws at the back (fastens through screen vents) remove the dash strip trims, torx screws behind there, remove top steering colum cowel, screws behind that, then if memory serves, lift it off with the help of a friend!

id try a crank sensor, about £16 from euro car parts and easy to fit!
