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want a gnd, infrared etc

i keep getting recomended cokin would i be better off going with anyone else ?
also what cokin system would i be better off with ?

lense filter sizes that is be wanting to use it with are 52mm 67mm 77mm
I've learnt the long way on filters, started with the Cokin P-Holder, then got an UWA and had to get the Cokin P-wide angle but this can only hold 1 filter so now I want to upgrade again grrr...
pluss being a low end cokin it leaves a nasty colour cast and doesn't eactly help shaprness.. there actually Grey Density and not exactly neutral..

So... if your shooting at 10mm and want to stack filters look into the Cokin Z-Pro system or the Lee system.

Your looking at just under 200 notes though for..
77mm Wide angle Adapter
0.6 GND soft
0.9 ND

On more of a budget Hi-tech are deffinately worth a look.
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Your camera has to be able to 'see' infrared anyway. The lens just cuts out everything but IR, so you end up with an IR image (I think).


ClioSport Club Member
How important are filters quality wise? Are you going to notice much difference between the top end ones and cheap ones when only using budget lens? I.e bundle 18-55 and £150 Tamron zoom 70-300.
yes ALL filters reduce image quality as its just another layer between the sensor and the subject
the better the quality of filter the less quality impact it has on the end result

cheap lense + cheap filter = quite possibly a terrible image

cheap lense + decent filter slightly crapper than without but not as bad as above

decent lense + decent filter = great picture but not a s good as just the plain lense

but filters do server functions the gnd will stop the sky blowing out or inverted will make the ground darker and the sky unaffected so will silhouette it quite well

a cpl will remove reflections

a uv filter will reduce image quality and maybe slightly protect your lenses
  Revels Mum & Sister
Notsure about Malicebut judging by the lenses Planet X uses I would imagine yes they have at least 1
Only pixel peepers would moan! I use Hoya Pro 1's on my main lenses on my D200 and D50 with pretty decent lenses and when you compare shots with/without the filter i'd be surprised if anyone can tell the difference. Paps rarely use filters anyway cause they toss the lenses about like pieces of poo!
I use D3, 1D,D300 S5.

Personally I own a 1Dmkll...its only 8meg....not a pixel peeper.
I can't tell the difference with filters as far as quality issues are concerned..
In all honesty I never use a filter.....might use a grad for landscape stuff if its too bright.

As for full frame....doing the job I do full frame is a pain in the arse!!! means we have to get closer

love the pieces of poo lenses are trashed...ha ha ha but still work perfect , if not a bit grindy grindy
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