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Fire extinguisher - passenger floor


Came across one of these the other day (actually found it in a bush!) Its pretty much full as well.

its a very small one and thought why not attatch it somewhere in the car just incase i need it one day. I believe one of these is an option on the cup?

Any ideas where i could put it? Dont really want to drill holes but was thinking of 2 long velcro straps?

any suggetsions?


only thing i would say is that they usually have a warning notice on them saying something like "once triggered do not reuse" cause there might not be enough propellant to make it work properly again

unless its a rechargeable one.... cant really tell from that piccy....

if its not a rechargeable one id just get a new one.... or you might come to use it one day and itll just trickle out just when you need it to put out a fire under the bonnet !!

If it has a date sticker on it and its out of date, chuck it, its pretty much worthless.

If the needle is in the red on the guage also chuck it. Not worth re-charging them. But if its ok, then strap it in the car somewhere.

Dont use velcro, make up a bracket to hold it firmly. Thats a large mass to have flying around if you stop/corner suddenly...
  clio 20v

if its got a pressure gauge and the pressure is ok weigh it to see if its the correct weight (pressure gauges stick sometimes though)

if so its prob ok but they have to be recharged every 5 yrs

except co2 which is every 10 years

  clio williams, Ph1 172

my parents got me one from a motorshow show. Its pretty small and has a holster. Get one of them. I fitted it in the boot on the right hand side. Used one of the screws in the seat and attached the bracket to that. Looks like its meant to be there.
