So today I got rear-ended on the way to a day out with the missus. Guy kept breaking late on a country lane just coming up to the M5, one time he just left it too late and boom, rear end smash.
Changed details, he wanted to just pay for a new tailgate and rear bumper but I went the proper way. Drove away, back started killing once the adrenaline died down. Called up my insurance company when I got home to notify them, and have to call his tomorrow to make the claim.
So I have a few questions really, any advice would be nice.
. Cheers guys.
Changed details, he wanted to just pay for a new tailgate and rear bumper but I went the proper way. Drove away, back started killing once the adrenaline died down. Called up my insurance company when I got home to notify them, and have to call his tomorrow to make the claim.
So I have a few questions really, any advice would be nice.
- Firstly, I don't want to be "That guy" who just claims for any injury that could have happened, back still aches like f*ck now, so what would anyone do? claim it?
- Claiming from him, is my insurance going to go up? :quiet:
- and lastly, he said he was with Lancashire insurance, my company say he's with the Co-op, would anyone be worried he's trying to give me the slip? I dont have legal cover, so if he denies liability, I can imagine it causing a lot of hassle very quickly.