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First camera, First attempt ! (No 56k) (as if anyone still uses dial up xD)

  Titanium 182
So i recently bought a Fuji Finepix S9500 from JMR on here for my birthday :cool:

Its my first proper camera and i haven't ever really taken pictures before beyond point and shoot digi cams. Anyway i got the camera today and here are some of my first pictures :)

My car :) [These first ones are on auto setting]

One of my goldfish :) i like how the bubbles in the background are caught on this picture

The lights of Leeds taken at night from high above with no tripod hence the shake :rasp: I thought it made a pretty cool effect though!

Also found this horrible lurker on my wall... Got the old man to swiftly remove it, arachnaphobia(sp?) FTL...

After these I decided to read ukaskew's crash course in photography thread and just started playing with the settings, I'm completely new to all of this and had never heard of ISO before today but I'm pretty pleased with the results.

First I attempted to get a picture with a focused foreground and blurred background (probably pretty basic but hey)

Next i tried for a blurred foreground and focused background (excuse my terminology its probbably completely incorrect :rasp:)

I decided to try some shots of my PC while I was at it...
One of the case fans that for some reason changed colour ! it looks blue not purple :S

And just a picture of the system inside, I wanted to set the shutter speed fast enough so that the AMD logo was visible on the CPU fan, despite not knowing how to change the shutter speed or indeed work the camera at all i think I did ok :rasp: (The system was running in this pic)

And one more of my fish because I couldn't find anything else interesting to photograph in the dark!

Anyway thats it for my first photography sesh :eek:
Any constructive criticism or tips welcomed gratefully :D


ps. Thanks for the camera JMR :star:


put a single ply of tissue over the flash its self for close diffuse
Good pictures

Was gonna do the same sorta post as i just bought my first "real" camera too, but couldnt work out how to post pictures.
  Titanium 182
Good pictures

Was gonna do the same sorta post as i just bought my first "real" camera too, but couldnt work out how to post pictures.

Make an account on and then upload your pictures,

then view your album and the pictures you want to post copy the URL with the [/img] tags in provided below the image. Then post it on here, then it will show as a picture :)
