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First Car 1.2 Clio Expression

Hey all i just join Clio Sport and im 17 and this is my first car :)

I recently bought a silver 2003 1.2 clio Expression 5door and had it serviced and cam belt replaced (for the first time at 100K miles) and just went to pick it up tonight and to my disbelief only one headlight was working but I chose to drive it home and take it back tomorrow for the light to be fixed but that was kinda a mistake as i realised whilst driving down unlit country lanes home, especially as this is my first time driving a car since i passed my driving test last tuesday. But after going into 3rd rather than 1st a few times i seem to have got used to the car and its now sitting on the drive. Couldnt get pics seeing as its soo dark out but thought i'd make this thread just to say hello anyway, i'll have a project thread up tomorrow with some pics hopefully once the headlight is fixed.
Anyways moving on to more important things... i don't want to modify it much seeing as I'll probably sell it within a year but i do want to do some things such as:
  • New grille
  • Colour coded bump strips (with gloss black bullets maybe)
  • black plastic on front/rear bumpers colour coded or gloss black (undecided yet)
  • take hubcaps off and make the steelies look decent and spray them black
  • maybe colour coded mirrors and door handles not sure yet
What do you guys think? I can't do much modifying purely because of my age and the insurance :( but hey hopefully it'll be a decent run around :)

Anyway, im happy to be here and i been looking around the forum for a while and seems like a good community you got here and im glad to be a part of it :)
Well originally I was looking at a 1.0 VW polo 6N2 and was getting quotes of £8K+ so i thought F that! Eventually i found a clio 1.2 expression in the local used car dealership for £1700 and my dad got a quote of £1800 so i got it haha

Oh and im also looking at getting a new spoiler for it too because at the moment its a plastic black small thing. I was thinking about a dynamique or cup spoiler but would they fit on a 5door car?
Yeah i know! hence the not wanting to modify my car lol, i would definately have a set of OZ racing alloys on there soon if it wouldn't cause my insurance to increase by hundreds if not thousands :(
