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Flashed by camera but not speeding!!

Hey guys,

I was coming back from Southend towards the M25 on the A127 and I was conscious all the way that there are speed cameras on this road. I stuck to all the speed limits and got past the 40mph bit - then opened up to 70 on the national speed limit dual carriage way.

There were no cars behind me, no cars infront of me (and I didnt see a camera) but all of a sudden I saw a flash in the tree line behind me. I looked at my speedo and I was doing 70mph(?).

I dont really know what to make of this!! I know my speedo is out slightly due to the size of my wheels but not by that amount!! I just hope it had no film. Anyone had similar experience?

Yup - in my mums fiesta, just picked it up new from the garage and the same thing happened.

Was in a 40 and only doing 40 (my mum was in the car ;)) and a camera flashed.

However it turned out (when examining the car details) that the garage had put the wrong plates on. We had some guys focus plates on the car. So I dont know if he got a ticket.

Anyway back to the point if your speedo was out and you were a couple of MPH over and they try to give you an SP30 dispute it, get a mechanic to state that the spedo was underreading and they should let it drop. Tell them you had no idea the new wheels would effect it blah blah blah

"it wasnt me driving"

"are you sure it was my car"

"i was over 40 miles away from there at that time"

"is that camera accurate?"

All things not to say when asked for reasons why you are disputing the ticket (if you get one at all).

Dont worry until/if a ticket lands on the door, remember it must be sent within 14 days of being "caught" or it dont count!
  Nissan R35 GT-R

If you were only doing 70 you will not get done for it. There are markings on the floor 1 metre apart. The first flash takes a pic, then the second flash does. If you have moved further in the second pic than you should have done (measured by the markings), you were speeding!

Hope this helps.
  silver valver/hybrid

ive had this, doing 25mph in a 30 zone got flashed, was a bit shocked and looked in my rear view mirror, and saw a guy pulling off his driveway half way down the camera lines and it flashed him too! Was down to a faulty camera.

Ive had this happen too - was there a car going in the opposite direction on the other carriagway?? Theyre not direction sensitive and Ive set one or two off from the other side of the road :oops:

If it only flashes once - its got no film in it - it has to flash twice to measure speed over distance if its a gatso!
  Laguna 2, Westfield

Quote: Originally posted by miltage2 on 22 April 2003

sh*t i normally burn it down the a127!!!
Not normally speed cameras on the a127, only in the limited sections 40 zones etc. But on sat night the police hide in the bushes with mobile cameras, early evening they are on the way into southend then later change over to the other side to catch you when going home.

Simply if you get a sumons through:

Fill it in correctly stating you was driving and settle out of court (3pts £60)

Be honest

DONT sign it at the bottom leave it blank fill everything except this

Send off

It is a loop in the system the computer records your reply, but because you havent signed the endorsing office will not cash your cheque and the points will not be put on your licence.

But because you send your licence off you have to apply for a duplicate about £20 i think which will come the same as before (no extra points)

This worked for me about 7 month ago believe it still does unless anyone knows different.

My mate who works at the magistrates court told me this, if you do hear anything read the small print on the back of the form you will see how it works then.

Has anyone seen Johny English? I wish I had the rear exhaust rocket launcher like him. Perfect for BMW drivers aswell.


I was slowing to let a fine looking ladey out of a side street so I was well belowe the 30mph limit and the Gatso flashed but I didnt get a ticket or anything but I know people who have been travelling at the speed limit and still have a ticket some through saying they was doing 41 on a 40 road.

Theres is a loop hole in the fines system when you get your fine through you are asked to sign at the bottom but what it doesnt say is that it is not by law you have to sign it so if you send it back unsigned a couple of coppers will turn up at your house a couple of weeks later requesting that you sign it they will try to spurt some b*ll*x off that if you dont you will get in trouble so all you say is you wasnt driving the car and you dont know who was they will then tell you will end up in court. At this point dont worry wait for your court date come through roll into the magistrates court tell the judge you refuse to sign it for the same reasons you told the coppers he will through the case out you still might get slapped with the fine but no points will be put on your licence. Make the most of this loop hole because the laws are in the procees of being changed and from what Ive been hearing and reading they are going to be really tough on speeders.
