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Flashing to give way then not stopping

  Clio 182 arctic
Didn't know where else to put this so insurance seems the best place.

Situation today was that I was at a T junction wanting to turn right. Car from the right let me out as traffic started queuing to my left, all fine and good.

As I was waiting halfway in the road looking left for a gap, a car starts flashing his lights as to let me out so I thank him and start to pull out......only it wasn't to let me out, it was to flash to his mate in a car immediately to my left. He carried on going and I never even realised at that moment but he would have had to brake fairly harshly. It was only when he passed me 30 yards up the road to turn right that he started gesturing hand signals and I realised that he wasn't giving way.
I'm sure we have all done it when someone flashes, just assume they are giving way and pull out. I certainly won't be just assuming any more when someone does this.
But the question I wanted to ask was would this go as entirely my fault if an accident was to occur. I did practically pull out into oncoming traffic, I know that. But does him flashing have any bearing on the situation. There would have been several people see the car flashing. I have certainly learnt a lesson so don't need any lectures.
If someone flashes you I your driving test you're taught to ignore it for that very reason, I'm sure insurance will see it this way.
  FF RB 182
I hate it when your trying to be polite for once and they just blind ignore you.. like today at a cross roads.. no traffic behind me so i slowed down flashed for the lady to turn right she just sat there staring at me. Then the slow people on the motorway flash them to go out and they hesitate to pull out.
  Clio 182 arctic
Yeah I understand it would have been my fault. I guess its just one of those things you kind of get complacent to after driving for a while.
People flash to give way. No matter what any highway code says that's a reality. However in this instance I misjudged it. No accident so I will get over it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
I ignore people who flash me out. I'll decide if it's ok to go, not them. I also never flash people to let them out either. I'll leave a big enough gap for them, but I'll leave the decision to them.

I hate it when your trying to be polite for once and they just blind ignore you.. like today at a cross roads.. no traffic behind me so i slowed down flashed for the lady to turn right she just sat there staring at me. Then the slow people on the motorway flash them to go out and they hesitate to pull out.

I'd have sat and stared at you as well. Why slow to let someone out if there is nothing behind you? It doesn't save anyone any time.
  Ford Mustang 5.0
If someone flashes you I your driving test you're taught to ignore it for that very reason, I'm sure insurance will see it this way.

I know its harsh but this is correct....He could be flashing for any reason.

I have been in the same situation as you before and been flashed only realise he was flashing at another car....Not helpful.

Best Regards
01277 376000
