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Florescent green wingmirrors, yey or ney

  172 berg, Fabia VRS
Personally im pleased i did it.



ClioSport Club Member
  BG Clio 182 FF
Its like mine, only difference is my gf kknocked mine off thanks to a van hitting it.... Don't ask

  172 berg, Fabia VRS
J, ive got the renault badges on the wheels and the bullets the same colour aswell, was thinking about doing the wheels today but think il send them out for paint as i havnt got the equipment at home for that.
Looks good to me.


ClioSport Club Member
  Sunflower Ph1
Looks like you had them knocked off and the scrap yard only had those left. Its a no from me sorry
  172 berg, Fabia VRS
Christ on a bike RDH is that a mini i see in your profile picture :rasp:

Oh and J thats the way to do it :hail:
  1.2 cilo
I think it looks ok:approve:

infact i would have the hole car that color with some black wheels (crazy fool!) it would be hard to miss unless you are unlucky " yes officer i failed to miss the florescent green clio, im color blind that one color!" bugger! lol


ClioSport Club Member
Christ on a bike RDH is that a mini i see in your profile picture :rasp:

Oh and J thats the way to do it :hail:

I'm not sure I value the opinion of somebody who's sprayed their wing mirrors bright green for no aparrant reason. Although it may be midly amusing so please do tell...
  172 berg, Fabia VRS
Probably sprayed them that colour because its my car mate.

i also wasnt aware that i needed a reason to paint anything thats mine, fair enough its not your cup of tea but next time il make sure to seek your approval first
