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For anyone still unsure about DSLR Video


  911 GTS Cab
Its great for creating short frames of film and editing them together (editing is a right pain and most can't be arsed to do it!), its not like you can go to do a days filming while you take pics, you can't zoom while filming for instance so its not as versatile as a camcorder in that respect being able to zoom in and out of subjects etc

You can't zoom? Maybe if your using a prime lens...
ok, well if using a zoom, i don't believe it can autofocus so you need to be focusing yourself as you go.

I just think it sounds good and amazes you when you see something like what is posted but in reality there is a hell of a lot of work involved in roducing anything anywhere near as good as that.

I guess we'll just have to see how people find it when they try it, I for one know i wouldn't use it as it would be too much hassle.

Nice thing to show off what your camera can do DOP wise compared to a video camera but in reality i just wouldn't use it.

Maybe I will change my mind in the future and will then upgrade to a 60d or something.


  911 GTS Cab
I soooo need to get saving - I was going to get a 50D. Damn you Canon !
I bought one yesterday, its a great camera, the screen on the back is amazing, the high ISO is brilliant, i love auto ISO (I am really bad at remembering to change the ISO so end up taking pics in bright daylight on ISO800 on my 350d at the mo). To give you an idea I was looking out of my bedroom window into the carpark of my apartment block and it was near enough dark, there was a car about 30 metres away and it was so dark i couldn't even read the numberplate, so i took a pic through the window (which is pretty dirty) and had a reflection of my tv in and the photo that came out was amazing considering the circumstances of the darkness and being shot through a dirty window.

It even adjusts itself to the individual lens you put on it from a database to make micro adjustments, very impressed, fits perfectly with my 17-55 f2.8 IS.

I'm not even thinking about the 5DII, got too much EF-S glass i've invested in and prefer the extra reach of a cropped sensor on the lenses.
Plenty of real life footage from the D90 floating around already, so that's a good start, and for me it's just as impressive as the 'professional' movie posted, because you can clearly see that all those benefits (depth of field etc) are there and apparent in 'normal' filming as well. Although the D90 will do HD (720p), most vids posted so far have been using the SD mode (obviously for Youtube etc that's more than enough).

Did some research into the D90 motion capture abilities for fast moving objects, all looks good to me (I'm in bed ill, my Saturdays aren't usually this dull!), and the low light abilities are stunning.



and to prove that in normal circumstances, the lack of AF isn't really an issue...


The D90 films at a rock solid 24fps straight from the box, which is exactly the same as any movie you will see, so certainly no issues with movement there. Interestingly, the 5D MkII is locked to 30fps at the moment, but photographers are campaigning for 24fps to be added via a firmware upgrade, because as far as short film making etc goes, 24fps is king.


  911 GTS Cab
the first vid is good, but its all very static, nothing too challenging as the camera isn't moving and therefore the focusing is not much of an issue as camera shake isn't.

The second vid though is what i am talking about, a lot of it was slightly out of focus, and theres a lot of camera shake as unlike a video camera it has no image stabalisation which these days is pretty damn good in video cameras.

I will consider buying into it when it does AF and has IS built in.

Thats not to say its not a nice added bonus when buying a camera, to have it there is obviously a plus, I just wouldn't buy a camera purely to get the feature, just like I still went for the 50d after the 5dII was announced, I still think the technology is in its infancy (as this is the very first iteration) and I will probably go for it on my next body a couple of years down the line, when most probably all cameras will have it anyway!
the first vid is good, but its all very static, nothing too challenging as the camera isn't moving and therefore the focusing is not much of an issue as camera shake isn't.

The second vid though is what i am talking about, a lot of it was slightly out of focus, and theres a lot of camera shake as unlike a video camera it has no image stabalisation which these days is pretty damn good in video cameras.

First vid was all about depth of field and low light, which I think is very very impressive, and I love the manual focus change at the start from the lights to the aircraft, the sort of thing that you simply can't do with a consumer video camera.

The Nikon system utilises VR is the lens has it (not sure about Canon), so the 18-200 VR for example, will have full image stabilization when filming. But really for what it would generally be used for, I would expect most stuff to be done on monopods/tripods anyway.


  911 GTS Cab
the first vid is good, but its all very static, nothing too challenging as the camera isn't moving and therefore the focusing is not much of an issue as camera shake isn't.

The second vid though is what i am talking about, a lot of it was slightly out of focus, and theres a lot of camera shake as unlike a video camera it has no image stabalisation which these days is pretty damn good in video cameras.

First vid was all about depth of field and low light, which I think is very very impressive, and I love the manual focus change at the start from the lights to the aircraft, the sort of thing that you simply can't do with a consumer video camera.

The Nikon system utilises VR is the lens has it (not sure about Canon), so the 18-200 VR for example, will have full image stabilization when filming. But really for what it would generally be used for, I would expect most stuff to be done on monopods/tripods anyway.
fair enough, agree
  vers le haut doigt milieu
of course but do remeber it leaves the shutter open so for filming motor racing you may not be able to get the definition you require.

The 5D records at 30fps, surely that's more than enough for motor racing and the like? There is also hope that 24p will be available, which puts it ona par with film cameras.

Oh no, broadcast camera shoot at 25fps but the shutter exposes the same frame several times to eliminate blur. Don't get me wrong if given the option of buying a broadcast camera or a still's I will pick the stills because you cannot take still images (properly) with a broadcast camera. I just thought the initinal claim of their the same quality as a pro HD camera wasn't exactly correct. This is the difference.
