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For f***s sake!!!!

Started up yesterday morning, sounded horrible like it was literally burping. Stuck my clutch down, the revs dropped right down, and konked out. After a few attempts got it going, sounded horrible. Had to rev really high with clutch down to even get it going. Got it to the end of my road. Stuck the clutch down and it went again. Now it wont even start.
Common problem?:dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead:
  2001 Clio 1.2
Similar thing keeps happenin to mine, when the clutch dips it just cuts out, no noises tho, i'd like to know if its common


ClioSport Club Member
  rstuned 182ff bg
i had a similar problem , on a 1.2 i had ,revs use to drop wen i put the clutch in, and had to rev the b****cks off it , to get it going again, horrible nose though m8, my ended up being the throttle body was carboned up to death and just need washing out ,and cleaning up, hope this helps???
  182cup & 172 racecar
If you get a horrible noise when you depress the clutch,do not rule out crankshaft shims.This happen to our race car,it ran fine until the clutch was engaged,this in effect pushes the flywheel onto the block,makes a noise like the release bearing(we thought it was this).

Just a thought.
