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Friend's new car... (Z3 Content)


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
That is lovely!! Really really nice. (And I hate Z3 convertibles)

Tow eye needs to be binned though.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Think he's going for bigger dishes on the rear, then some arch work. On the front the arch is the bonnet so he needs to get that pulled out a wee bit. I love it, sounds f**king lovely too!
  Mk5 golf gti
So do they do a normal version and a wide version?

I've not seen a wide one for sale I dot think


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Looks quality. Could definately go a tad wider at the rear, though.

Agree on the tow eye, doesn't fit in at all.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Okay well Zi is currently in a bit of a state of shock, I don't think he expected all this love but....

"A definite show stealer was Zi’s new Z3. Fitted with some gorgeous Image alloys and a healthy drop, showing that is all you ever need to make a car look pretty. This car deserves all the attention it gets."




"With a couple of split opinion modifications on the inside, such as his petrol pump shifter. What do you think? I approve."


Also love some of the comments when a link to the photo was posted here:


There's a lot of "Buzz" surrounding it atm. Hopefully taking some snaps this weekend when I'm not fitting air to my car.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I absolutely love it. Everything about it. (Apart from the gearstick, silly c**t)


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I was told by a friend following us, that at traffic lights it just looked like he had his hand on my knee. As if two lads in a Z3 isn't bad enough.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I dunno, apparently you can just see his hand a bit higher than a gearnob should be. Plus im lanky so my legs arent exactly stretched out lol.




Yeah, looks great. Having said that, one of those E36 Tourings is local to me and has terrible paintwork yet looks great in the pics. Got to wonder what the Z3 really looks like without an SLR and photoshop helping it out...

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
That looks incredible (except for the gearknob)

The 2.8 is a stunning engine too ;)


North West
ClioSport Area Rep
Wow I hate all BMW z cars but I'd buy this I love it i wouldnt change a thing not even the gear nob!!!
Ill steal ye one if ye like ash, pumps are getting commissioned monday and im sure some will be laying about hahah.
Saw this regularly in random dub/player/i'm fecking cool cos I have stance like a boss meet pictures...

Like this a lot!!
