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fuel light on???? help

  Brisol my lover..
just been giving the car a bit of stick down the local ring rd, there's about 1/4 tank of fuel but the lights come on??????? so i have fuel on the guage but the light on saying no fuel:S
anyone got any ideas??? ill have to take it to work in the morn and get it sorted.
Light comes on when the sensor things there 5liters left in the tank.
Its not that accurate realy I'd say between 4 and 6 liters it will come on.

The sensor runs the fuel level and the light so unless you've a short on the dashboard then fuel gauge and ligth are working.
  Brisol my lover..
yeah def sorted for ched run...i'm really thinking about changing it, got a few miles on now, prob get a 225 or a 197 touble is theres some crap deals on fam and friends and i really wanted a new car??? anyway thats not for a few months so i still need to get this fixed.
  Brisol my lover..
edde said:
Light comes on when the sensor things there 5liters left in the tank.
Its not that accurate realy I'd say between 4 and 6 liters it will come on.

The sensor runs the fuel level and the light so unless you've a short on the dashboard then fuel gauge and ligth are working.
There's a fair old bit of fuel in the tank prob abot £15 i think the light must be fucked:D
BIG jts said:
yeah def sorted for ched run...i'm really thinking about changing it, got a few miles on now, prob get a 225 or a 197 touble is theres some crap deals on fam and friends and i really wanted a new car??? anyway thats not for a few months so i still need to get this fixed.

can you sort me out with a test drive in a 225 bud ? whitby road didnt have one when i popped down :(

how many miles has yours got on it now ?
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  Brisol my lover..
^^^we havent got one at the mo, next time i bring one home i'll give you a shout.
Mines done 35k.
BIG jts said:
^^^we havent got one at the mo, next time i bring one home i'll give you a shout.
Mines done 35k.

Ok thanks mate.

mine has just done 36k, getting clarkie to do the service on sat and the aux belt too.
