There's a fair old bit of fuel in the tank prob abot £15 i think the light must be fuckededde said:Light comes on when the sensor things there 5liters left in the tank.
Its not that accurate realy I'd say between 4 and 6 liters it will come on.
The sensor runs the fuel level and the light so unless you've a short on the dashboard then fuel gauge and ligth are working.
BIG jts said:yeah def sorted for ched run...i'm really thinking about changing it, got a few miles on now, prob get a 225 or a 197 touble is theres some crap deals on fam and friends and i really wanted a new car??? anyway thats not for a few months so i still need to get this fixed.
BIG jts said:^^^we havent got one at the mo, next time i bring one home i'll give you a shout.
Mines done 35k.