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Full respray ?


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
b and q gloss black, 5 litre tub should do it, £15 then about £5 for brushes, remeber to mask up though.
  B/G 182 + PH1 Track
Would only consider a respray if going for a odd colour that was not made. Would not repaint a car another factory colour.
  Black Gold Trophy
I would say £2000 minimum, theres also the hassle of finding a bodyshop willing to do it, most of them are only interested in doing small minor repairs these days.
Also I own a black car and the downside is it always looks dirty!
  09 GIXXER 750!!!
Forget it!! BUY a black one.. You would need to get it down to almost a shell for it to be done properly. At a decent body shop your looking at least 3.5K. Keep the silver

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Respray on the drive FTFW!


  clio 182
i payed £3200 for a mk6fezz togo from red to antiga blue or sumin, (same colour as the tigras).. was an ok job to
