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Gear surround

  Black PH2 172 FF
Quick question:

Do Clios 98-2001 have a different gear surround than 2002+ models?

Because I'm trying to get a Richbrook chrome surround (Or similar) but they only say suitable up to 2001.....
  Civic Type-R
Ye I think they do :) have a look at these 2 pics I have. From what I can tell the Mk1 gear surround is alot more square at the bottom:


  Chocolate Bar™
Ruffneck said:
Quick question:

Do Clios 98-2001 have a different gear surround than 2002+ models?

Because I'm trying to get a Richbrook chrome surround (Or similar) but they only say suitable up to 2001.....

i wanted a richbrook one for mine (2003) but i rung richbrook directly and they withdrew them from sale due to a product defect with the design, and currently have no plans to make another mould. isotta and momo dont do them either last time i checked.
  172 cup'd extreme
Middo said:
i wanted a richbrook one for mine (2003) but i rung richbrook directly and they withdrew them from sale due to a product defect with the design, and currently have no plans to make another mould. isotta and momo dont do them either last time i checked.

i got a richbrook one for mine from demon tweeks few months ago, worth ringing them to see if they have any stock left
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Try JamJar Parts (e-shop)
I got off them about 2 years ago, I think its still in the shed :eek:
  Black PH2 172 FF
Tigger said:
Try JamJar Parts (e-shop)
I got off them about 2 years ago, I think its still in the shed :eek:

Jam Jar has ceased trading! - So it says on the site :(

If you don't want yours, I'll buy it off you mate...:p
