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Gearbox Fault?

Hi All

Ive changed the clutch on the clio yesterday, got the box back on and everything back together went into the car to take for a test drive and the gearstick is jammed in neutral :( with the clutch in or out the gearstick wont budge, so took the box off again to realign the clutch, box went back on easier than before with the clutch aligned properly. Gets in and starts it up still jammed in neutral, if i let go of the clutch and accelerate the speedo goes up, the diff circlip looks to still be in position too :(

Its a Clio 1.2 16v Dynamique


Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
hmmm, all being that you have aligned the clutch properly. all i can think is something allong the gear selector rod or any gubbins that help change gear , has something fowling it. get under the car and check nothing like a bolt is stopping the whole lot from moving. should spot it a mile off it is.
Checked underneath at the selector rods, everything looks fine check under the rubber cover on the gearbox end all is ok there i think, managed to drive it around the street with the gearstick in neutral. No knocks or anything from the gearbox :(

Any other ideas people, its really starting to do my head in now :(



ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
Sounds like the selector has been moved from its original place. You can adjust the length with a bolts underneath along the gear selector rod. Did you remove this to drop the box?

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
as above, if you did undo that 13mm nut/ bolt on the selector rod, you've put your gear stick out of align, which is now going to be a b**ch to sort as you cant put it back in nuetral lol. only way to do it is slack the nut and bolt off, push the gear stick into first ( pressuming thats the gear your ' in ', and tighten the put back up ( not to tight, if you crush the sleve its going to be a right laugh to fix.

best to do it with two people. one underneeth and one in the car


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
Yeh good plan as above.

What gear do you think your in? Easy/normal to take off will be first, but of a struggle to pull away then that's second, and nearly stalling will be third. So whatever on it is, loosen the nut on the rod underneath, put the gearstick in the appropriate gear, tighten the nut on the rod again then put the gearstick in neutral and everything should be sorted
Thanks for your reply's guys, tried the what you've said above and still no joy :(, im positive its in second gear Ive adjusted the rod and gearstick to 2nd gear, and as soon as i put the stick back to neutral im back to square 1 with the gearstick stuck in neutral again :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
Did you remove this rod from the selector to drop the box? If so and you didn't mark where it was it will be the wrong length. I'm 99.9% sure it's something to do with the length of the rod IF you have moved it. Try setting it up again and make sure the bolt holding the rod to the selector is tight. Maybe have someone underneath to watch it so it doesn't move. If not the maybe try setting but up as if it were in 3rd gear(it may be in 3rd. If you've never pulled away in 3rd you won't really know what it feels like)

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
keep going at it adjusting it. if your lucky there might be a slight mark of its orginal location. if you find that it will make it easier. if it isnt there, you'll have to play around with the selector rod for a while until you get the correct gears.

lower dogbone mount also can caulse jamming if the bolt/nut is in the way.
Thanks for the replys guys been on all morning with it and its still a no go pushing or pulling the linkage at the box doesnt move it all, i can select reverse with linkage at the box but no other gears it just seems like the linkage at the box is jammed

