In roughly a months time, the blue arsed fly will be getting a nice paint correction. Of course once it's been done, I want to be getting the best from the paint over the summer months.
Now unfortunately I lack high roller status so I can't go out and buy a tub of Crystal Rock just like that!
So basically I want some advice and some opinions from those who know, what the best products are for Racing Blue.
I'll be looking for:
I don't mind re-applying it every month or whatever as I enjoy doing it, the car does best part of 200 miles a week so although durability is of course a consideration, I place the finished look higher on my list.
At the moment I am using Collinite 476's as it seemed very durable for the winter months, and it does seem to have done the job very well, naturally I want something a little more glossy for when the sun shines
So talk to me...
Now unfortunately I lack high roller status so I can't go out and buy a tub of Crystal Rock just like that!
So basically I want some advice and some opinions from those who know, what the best products are for Racing Blue.
I'll be looking for:
- The best glaze for the money
- The best wax for the money
I don't mind re-applying it every month or whatever as I enjoy doing it, the car does best part of 200 miles a week so although durability is of course a consideration, I place the finished look higher on my list.
At the moment I am using Collinite 476's as it seemed very durable for the winter months, and it does seem to have done the job very well, naturally I want something a little more glossy for when the sun shines
So talk to me...