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Monaco 172 Street/Track Spec

  Clio 2 Ph2 K4J
Hello, i want to start this treath as a story of my 172 Monaco Blue Ph2.

I bought this car after having my 1.4 16v clio 2 in Azzur Blue. Loving the car and wanted something as cool as a clio.

My 172 has 210000 km and looked like this when i bought it


It wasnt running right in the beginning, a light wasnt working.

First money was spent on parts (in the end it was Ignition Cables and also got news plugs)

After that i went to my Reno dealer and got some Monaco Blue Paint and Painted the Mirrors blue.

Planned for the future are

V6/Trophy Spoiler (allready ordered and mounted the V6 Dampers 370mm)
Paint the wheels Gold (williams Gold, paint allready at home)
Ktec Racing Catback Exhaust
Bilstein B14 Coilover
Remap the car and messure power

My father and his friend used to race All Types from Renaults (from R5 to Megane 4RS) so they have some clio parts laying around maybe ill be able to get a free Cam and a exhaust :D
+ Plus if i can get another daily i will turn this in a track car fully.

This is what the car looks as today 30.07.2024


Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Tidy example, plans look good for it too. I’d be tempted to go for a smaller set of wheels for it though.
  Clio 2 Ph2 K4J
Tidy example, plans look good for it too. I’d be tempted to go for a smaller set of wheels for it though.
Im currently in the process of painting the wheels Golden to make it look like a williams, also ordered some williams decals just for fun and gonna put them on.
  Clio 2 Ph2 K4J
accidentally ended up on nords, wheels are painted. Bought some williams stickers. now its a Clio 172 Williams Replica :D Many mods to do. Wheels look golder in sunlight tho.


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ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182 CUP
Great work so far!
Must be nice on those Swiss alps roads. Want to trade some for our flat and straight West Australian roads?

May I ask. Were did you source the v6 spoiler from?
  Clio 2 Ph2 K4J
Great work so far!
Must be nice on those Swiss alps roads. Want to trade some for our flat and straight West Australian roads?

May I ask. Were did you source the v6 spoiler from?
Thanks mate, i ordered the wing from Oreca, sadly it came broken im waiting for the new one.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182 CUP
Ah right!
Also got one from Oreca/Renault Sport store in mid 2023. Still yet to be painted and installed.
Planning on doing a trial fit tomorrow. As I just got the BMW 1 series struts (~370mm) last week.

I have a new rear third brake light. From memory, It didn't fit. The mounting in the spoiler for the brake light may need modification. But I'm not 100% certain if its the mounting or the spoiler being warped. Hence the trail fitting tomorrow.

What are you going to do about the rear window washer nozzle? Fill the hole and paint over or source a new piece?
Not entirely sure what the part number is. The only one I can find is 7700413542. But this seems to be the wrong shape(?).
Otherwise repurposing the washer off the standard spoiler is an option if it can be easily removed.
  Clio 2 Ph2 K4J
Ah right!
Also got one from Oreca/Renault Sport store in mid 2023. Still yet to be painted and installed.
Planning on doing a trial fit tomorrow. As I just got the BMW 1 series struts (~370mm) last week.

I have a new rear third brake light. From memory, It didn't fit. The mounting in the spoiler for the brake light may need modification. But I'm not 100% certain if its the mounting or the spoiler being warped. Hence the trail fitting tomorrow.

What are you going to do about the rear window washer nozzle? Fill the hole and paint over or source a new piece?
Not entirely sure what the part number is. The only one I can find is 7700413542. But this seems to be the wrong shape(?).
Otherwise repurposing the washer off the standard spoiler is an option if it can be easily removed.
I just ordered the Boot struts a V6 on AutoDoc. For the washing nozzle im looking if i can adapt the original one and if it doesent fit im gonna cover the hole somehow.
