This morning I've got through the cleansing guide, polishing via DA guide (on DW) and your glaze one lol! All superb.
If I go for a DAS-6 what polishes would you recommend starting with for a complete noob!? Looking for something to cover all bases and certainly no heavy correction to start with.
Also PDG.... Worthy investment?
I'm was thinking a DA, 1x cutting pad, 2x polishing pads, 2x finishing pads (in 4"/6") and then megs #83 and #80 as a starter set?
Thoughts on the megs range?
Cleanser I already have AF rejuvinate that goes on by a light cut lake country hand pad.
Glaze I have black hole and I'm now very tempted to invest in some amigo.
Really lacking in the polish department atm though....
Sorry for all the Q's, but probably not worth of a new thread.